Bibliotheek aan de Maas
Atelier M. Boesch
Archaeological Museum
Bibliotheek aan de Maas
Apartaments with views
Public Library
Observation Tower
City and Environment
Rebuilding of cinema Barceló
spring semester 2015
Archaeological Museum
Apartaments with views
This project was based on the "reuse" of an old factory composed of silos to storage the grain in Rotterdam. The main goal was to keep the industrial atmosphere of the existing building but changing its use to become a new library.
The regular structure of the silos didn't allow the project to have a lot of freedom. The strategy to overcome this was to make some cuts in the silos to get light inside the building and to provide new spaces. "The cut silo" needed to be reinforced with catenary archs. The terrace system in the central space allowed light to come inside the main room. This system was formed by three connected spaces: reading, checking and storage space. The ground floor was a permeable public space connected to the city.
inside view in model
master plan
ninth floor
first floor
ground floor
longitudinal section
longitudinal section in detail
forth floor in detail
inside view in daylight
inside view at night
inside view with the silos in ground floor model
inside view in a corridor
by Giuseppe Fontana, Francesca Mattia, Verónica Mendez
Three strategies of intervention in popular architecture